RED and WHITE “Barbara”
The summer of 1987 was eventful for the Lundy family. Scott and Deb moved with their children Mark and Megan (Morgan was born after they moved) from their family farm in Crystal Lake, Illinois to their current farm on Highway 89 between Fort Atkinson and Jefferson. Deb also bought “Barbara” from Jim Meyers from Silver Rock Farm in South Bend, Indiana. That same year Barbara was crowned Grand Champion of the International Red and White show held in Jefferson, Wisconsin.
Barbara was known for having a heavy head. For her recognition photos Deb had to have someone hold her head up. She just had her own way of doing things; she may have known that she was better than the rest.
Barbara was award winning mother of Baron (All American), who sired many all-American Red and White offspring. She also had four embryos flushed by Sunshine Genetics. Barbara was very prolific and many of her descendants still live on the Lundy farm. Barbara is buried on the farm, marked by a very large stone.
The family farm had raised Holsteins for years, but Deb had become captivated by the Red and White breed thanks to their local veterinarian and former president of the Red and White Association, Dr. Ostrander. Her first Red and White heifer purchased through sales went on to become an All American. Red and Whites are Holsteins that have a recessive red hair gene. The Lundy farm still has 3/4 of their 200 head herd that are Red and White colored.
The Lundy’s hold their head high. In 2005, they won the Premier Breeder award at the National Red and White Show. Deb is very proud of this award, as it shows their dedication to the breed. She says,” you can buy a good cow, but it’s harder to breed one”. To have 6 to win the award is truly remarkable.
The Lundy’s promote showing of dairy animals with the local 4-H groups and sponsor Dairy Day at the Mooseum and the Dairy Challenge at the Hoard Museum and our Fort Atkinson community. Dairying is in their blood, and we are grateful to have the Lundys in our community.